Kibale National Park

Kibale National Park is located in the western part of Uganda, near the town of Fort Portal and is one of Uganda’s most popular and stunning national parks.

The Kibale forests are home to the chimpanzees of Uganda and the national park is considered the primate capital of the world. It is dominated by tall trees, such as mahogany, teak, and ironwood, which provide habitat for a variety of wildlife. 

Kibale National Park is known for its incredible biodiversity, with over 70 mammal species and 375 bird species recorded within the park. Some of the park’s most iconic animals include chimpanzees, forest elephants, buffaloes, and antelopes. 

What to do and see in Kibale national park

Kibale National Park offers a range of activities for visitors, including the following; 

Chimpanzee tracking

Visitors can track chimpanzees in their natural habitat during tours around Kibale national park and learn about their behavior and social structures. 

Kibale National Park is home to an estimated 1,500 chimpanzees, making it one of the largest populations in Uganda. The park’s diverse habitat, which includes both tropical rainforest and savannah, provides an ideal environment for these primates. 

The chimpanzee tracking activity draws the most tourists to Kibale Forest National Park and begins with a briefing at the park headquarters. After that, groups of people go in search of the chimpanzees, escorted by ranger guides. 

After the chimpanzees are located, one hour is spent with them so that videos and photographs can be shot of them. Chimpanzee trekking is available at Kibale Forest National Park both in the morning and the afternoon. The chimpanzee trekking experience starts around 7:00 am and the afternoon trek starts around 2:00 pm.

Permits for chimpanzee trekking in Kibale national park cost 200 USD for foreign nonresidents and 150 USD for foreign residents. These permits are used by one individual for 1 chimpanzee trek in Kibale.

In addition to chimpanzees, Kibale National Park is also home to other primate species such as red colobus monkeys, black-and-white colobus monkeys, and L’Hoest’s monkeys.

Chimpanzee habituation

Chimpanzee habituation is an additional activity carried out during visits to Kibale Forest National Park.

Chimpanzee habituation experience, or CHEX for short, is an activity that involves acclimating chimpanzees to human presence in their natural environment. For foreign non-residents, the fee of this activity is $250 USD; for foreign residents, it is $200 USD; and for East Africans, it is 200,000 Uganda shillings.

A full day is required for chimpanzee habituation in Kibale Forest National Park, and permit costs cover both park entrance and guide costs. The best times to engage in chimpanzee habituation are in March, April, and May during the rainy season, as well as in or around November.

Guided Forest walks

Guided walks through the Kibale park’s rainforests offer opportunities to spot a variety of wildlife and learn about the park’s ecosystems. 

These walks in Kibale National Park offer visitors the opportunity to discover the park’s unique features, observe wildlife up close, and learn about the rich biodiversity that exists within its boundaries. 

Visitors during the guided nature walks in Kibale national park are led by experienced guides who are knowledgeable about the park’s ecology and can provide valuable insights into its various inhabitants.

Guided birding walks provide visitors with the opportunity to spot a wide variety of bird species, ranging from colorful forest birds to water birds found near the park’s swamps.

You may embark on an evening forest walk while on a tour of Kibale Forest National Park. The walk through Kibale Forest at night in order to identify nocturnal wildlife species is known as nocturnal forest walks. During this activity, visitors travel different paths while using spotlights about the forest.

The hikes through the Kibale forest at night begin at 7:30 p.m and last approximately two hours.

Bird watching

With over 375 bird species recorded in the park, Kibale National Park is a paradise for birdwatchers. 

One of the main highlights of birding in Kibale National Park is the chance to spot the elusive Green-breasted Pitta. This colorful and rare bird is highly sought after by birdwatchers due to its vibrant plumage and secretive nature. 

Other bird species found in Kibale national park include the African Pitta, African Grey Parrot, Great Blue Turaco, Yellow-spotted Barbet, Black-capped Apalis, and many more. The park’s diverse habitats also attract a variety of forest bird species such as the African Emerald Cuckoo, Red-chested Owlet, White-naped Pigeon, Narina Trogon, and Grey-throated Barbet.

Community tours

Visitors can visit nearby communities in Kibale national park and these tours allow visitors to interact with local people, participate in cultural activities, and gain insights into their traditions and way of life.

Cultural interactions in and around Kibale Forest National Park include learning more about the way of life of the locals like the Batooro, tasting some of the cuisine, and participating in some traditional dances.

Visiting the Bigodi wetlands

Another activity to do while on a tour of Kibale National Park is to visit the Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary. In addition to providing information and guiding tourists on their tours of the Bigodi wetland, the locals are also qualified guides.

The Bigodi Wetlands is approximately six kilometers away from the Kanyanchu Information Center. A 2 to 4 hour tour to the Bigodi Wetland includes traveling along a path with many of attractions to view, including several primate species, bird species, wildlife, and an insight into local life.

Best time to visit Kibale national park

The dry season from December to February and June to September offers more favorable conditions for visiting Kibale National Park and is considered a good time for tours around the destination.

If you prefer fewer crowds, visiting Kibale national park during the low season (wet season) around March to May and October to November might be suitable for you. However, keep in mind that some activities may be affected by the weather conditions during this period.

How to get to Kibale national park

From Kampala, and the journey by road to Kibale national park takes around 5 to 6 hours using the Kampala-Fort Portal route. Getting to Kibale park can also be done using the using the Kampala- Kamwenge road.

Lodges in Kibale national park

Kibale National Park offers a range of accommodations, from budget, midrange to luxury lodges. Some of the most popular accommodations include Primate lodge, Kibale forest lodge, Chimpundu lodge, Isunga lodge, Turaco treetops lodge, Kyaninga lodge, Ndali lodge, Papaya lodge, Crater safari lodge among others.
